Bakra Eid Makeup Tutorial: Reflection on Live Sacrificial Sightings

Eid ul Adha or Bakra Eid, a joyous occasion celebrated by Muslims worldwide, often intertwines with solemn rituals of animal sacrifice. In many places, families bring animals into their homes as part of the tradition, with children forming emotional bonds with these soon-to-be sacrifices. Today’s blog is about the juxtaposition of Bakra Eid Makeup Tutorial and the grim realities of live sacrificial sightings during Eid ul Adha.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the bizarre yet prevalent practices surrounding live sacrifices. Imagine a child, innocently playing with a lamb or goat brought home days before Eid, unaware of its impending fate. The emotional rollercoaster these children experience is both heartbreaking and surreal. One moment, they’re petting their new “pet,” and the next, they witness its sacrifice, severing the innocent bond they had formed.

Apart from that there is a macabre industry that revolves around live sacrifices. Animals are subjected to mistreatment, from having their horns cut to having their teeth plucked and stomachs stuffed with gramflour, all in the name of a ritualistic display of wealth. It’s a spectacle that shocks the senses, highlighting the lengths some go to flaunt their money.

Bakra Eid Makeup Tutorial – Red Makeup Tutorial

For this red glam look or the Bakra Eid Makeup Tutorial, we’re aiming for a wet appearance with soft, dewy skin and captivating red eyeshadow. It’s a look that’s bound to keep everyone wide-eyed and excited, aligning beautifully with the festive spirit of Eid.

To achieve the striking red eyeshadow, I used the Ingrid Lipstick in the shade 105 /300 as a base. To add a pop of glow, I applied Revlon eye shimmer to the center, creating a mesmerizing effect that catches the light when you tilt your head.

No glam look is complete without bold lashes but as you know im afraid of the fake lashes. I opted for the Maybelline Colossal mascara, ensuring that every flutter enhances the overall allure of the eyes.

Eid Makeup Tutorial
I used gel and water to create a wet look, but it turned into a mess due to excessive humidity and an F1 error on my AC – Bakra Eid Makeup Tutorial

As for the base, I went for a powder foundation, especially effective after a refreshing spritz of rose water. This combination helps combat the hot and humid weather, keeping your makeup intact and flawless throughout the festivities.

To add that rosy glow reminiscent of a vampire’s allure, I reached for the Laura Geller, blending it seamlessly for a natural yet captivating finish.

Finally, for the lips, I revisited the Ingrid lipstick, choosing the same shade to create perfectly painted lips that complement the overall red-themed makeup.

Kiko Milano 3d Hydra Lipgloss 22 

With these steps, you’ll achieve a soft, dewy red makeup look that’s not only perfect for Eid but also ensures lasting beauty throughout your celebrations. Get ready to shine with this Bakra Eid Tutorial and embrace the joy of Eid with style and elegance!

Eid Makeup Tutorial: My AC and fan both failed at the same time, ensuring that I truly achieved a wet look.

Aicha’s Thoughts :

What if we challenged this norm? Instead of bringing animals home for sacrifice, why not opt for meat from meat shop? This shift not only spares the animals from unnecessary distress but also redirects resources towards more meaningful ways like education and health.

Imagine a world where compassion triumphs over cruelty, where Eid is celebrated with acts of kindness and empathy. Investing in good education instill values of compassion and respect for all living beings from a young age, fostering a more humane society.

Disclaimer :

This satirical take isn’t meant to offend but rather to shed light on the ghastly reality that often erodes compassion among us. Let’s advocate for a world where kindness reigns supreme, where every sacrifice made is one of empathy and understanding. Happy Eid, with makeup tutorials that reflect not just beauty but also the beauty of a compassionate heart.

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