Precious Metals- Luscious Cosmetics

Get Glamorous with Luscious Cosmetics Precious Metals Loose Eyeshadow Pigment

The Luscious Cosmetics Precious Metals loose eyeshadow pigment on me



In conclusion, precious metals loose eyeshadow pigments,  Violet Venus (in cobalt ) is a perfect eyeshade for evening or daytime.  It looks beautiful on the brown skin tone, lasts very long, and is safe, as well as very affordable. All of it in a local brand – Is not that shocking?  Indeed a pleasant shock!


  • Composed of MICA instead of plastic based glitters that can cause microscopic tears if not used properly on the eye. 
  • Great Value for money 
  • Very Pigmented 
  • Vegan, Cruelty Free
  • The product has passed the stages of safety testing 


  • There is no downside at all. The product is perfect!

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