Hygiene in Makeup: Clean Makeup Tips for Glowing  Skin

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Today, we’re diving into something super important for every makeup lover—hygiene in makeup. Our skin is our biggest organ, yet we often take it for granted when applying different products and using makeup. As someone who has battled severe acne, I know this all too well.

In my teenage years, I was pretty careless about sun protection and maintaining a proper skincare routine. Monthly facials at salons were my only skincare regimen, and who knows what those salons were putting on my skin! Growing up in a middle-class family, my main focus was on acing my exams and enjoying good food. I loved makeup but didn’t know how to take care of it or my skin, and I didn’t have much of it either.

Hygiene in Makeup | By Aicha
Hygiene in Makeup | By Aicha

As beauty salons wreaked havoc on my skin, my anxiety and depression increased, while my confidence plummeted. There was no one to guide me, but this also pushed me to learn everything on my own through trial and error. Now, I’m here to share my journey and the tips I’ve gathered for achieving healthy skin.

These tips are the essence of my experiences and steps toward healthier skin. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about maintaining healthy skin and ensuring your beauty products last longer and work better.

So, let’s dive into some essential tips to keep your makeup routine clean and your skin glowing!

Hygiene in Makeup: Clean Makeup Tips for Glowing  Skin

Clean Hands and Workspace

The foundation of a hygiene in makeup routine starts with clean hands and a clean workspace. Our hands touch so many surfaces throughout the day, picking up germs and bacteria that can easily transfer to our faces and makeup products.

Tip #1: Wash Your Hands
Before applying any skincare products or makeup, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. This simple step can significantly reduce the risk of transferring bacteria to your face, helping to prevent breakouts and infections.

Tip #2: Sanitize Your Workspace
Make sure your makeup area is clean and organized. Wipe down your vanity, mirrors, and any surfaces you use regularly with an antibacterial cleaner. Keeping your workspace clean helps ensure that no harmful bacteria find their way into your products or onto your skin.

How to clean Face Makeup

Makeup brushes, sponges, and other applicators are notorious for harboring bacteria. These tools come into direct contact with our skin, so keeping them clean is crucial.

Hygiene in Makeup – Tools of Makeup

Tip #3: Wash Your Brushes and Sponges Regularly
I personally wash my brushes and sponges at least once a week using a gentle soap or a dedicated brush cleaner. Wet the bristles or sponge, apply the cleanser, and gently work it through to remove all the built-up makeup and oils. Rinse thoroughly and allow them to dry completely before using them again.

Tip #4: Are Makeup Sponges Sanitary ? Sanitize Tools
Apart from regular washing, consider using a quick-drying spray sanitizer for your brushes in between uses. This can help keep bacteria at bay and ensure your tools are clean each time you use them.

Proper Product Hygiene

Storing your makeup products correctly is just as important as keeping your tools clean. Improper storage can lead to contamination and reduce the effectiveness of your products.

Tip #5: Store in a Cool, Dry Place
Bacteria thrive in warm, moist environments. To prevent this, store your makeup products in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid keeping them in the bathroom where humidity levels are high.

Tip #6: Keep Lids Tightly Closed
Always close your makeup products properly after use. This helps to prevent air and bacteria from getting in, which can compromise the product’s quality and longevity.

Avoiding Cross-Contamination

Cross-contamination is a major concern in makeup hygiene. Using shared or unclean tools can introduce bacteria and other pathogens to your products and skin.

Tip #7: Avoid Sharing Makeup
Sharing makeup products like lipstick, kajal, and eyeliner is a big no-no. These items can easily transfer bacteria and viruses from one person to another, increasing the risk of infections. Always use your own products to maintain hygiene. 

However, there is a way you can use someone else’s lipstick safely. If you want to know how, check it out in my video.

Tip #8: Use Disposable Tools
When getting makeup done at a salon, ensure they use disposable tools like mascara wands and lip brushes. This minimizes the risk of cross-contamination.

Tip #9: Sharpen Eye Pencils
Before using an eye pencil, sharpen it to remove any bacteria that may have accumulated on the surface. This is especially important if you share the pencil with others or someone use it in a salon setting.

No Expired Products

Using expired makeup products is not just ineffective; it can be harmful to your skin. Over time, products can degrade and become breeding grounds for bacteria.

Tip #10: Check Expiry Dates
Regularly check the expiry dates on your makeup products. Most products have a symbol indicating how long they are good for after opening. Discard anything that’s past its prime.

Winged Liquid Eyeliner | Maybelline Hyper Easy Eyeliner

Tip #11: Replace Regularly
Some products, like mascara and liquid eyeliner, should be replaced every 3-6 months. These products come into close contact with your eyes and can easily become contaminated. Lipsticks and foundations have a longer shelf life but should still be monitored for changes in texture, smell, or color.

Personal Hygiene

Maintaining overall personal hygiene is essential for a healthy and clean makeup routine.

Bottle from Bulgarian Rose Satin Cream from Heimish

Tip #12: Follow a Skincare Routine
Good makeup starts with good skincare. Cleanse, tone, and moisturize your skin daily to keep it healthy and prepped for makeup. This not only helps your makeup apply more smoothly but also ensures it lasts longer and looks better.

Tip #13: Use Clean Towels
Always use clean towels to wipe off your makeup or dry your face. Wash them regularly with hot water and detergent to kill any bacteria. Avoid using the same towel for multiple days to prevent bacterial buildup.

Tip #14: Shower Regularly
Regular showers help keep your skin clean and free from bacteria. Clean skin is the best canvas for makeup application, so make sure you maintain good personal hygiene habits as it is the basis of hygiene in makeup

Hygiene in Makeup | By Aicha

Aicha’s Recommendation

Incorporating these hygiene in makeup practices into your makeup routine can make a world of difference. Not only will your skin thank you, but your makeup products will last longer and work more effectively. Remember, beauty is not just about looking good but also about taking care of your skin and health.

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