Moringa leaf | Moringa Tree

Moringa Tree – Why is it a Miracle Tree ?

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Today’s review is about the multivitamin provided by nature in the form of a plant called Moringa Tree. It is called “Miracle Tree” due to its numerous benefits to human health and various uses ranging from nature’s medicine, water purification, skin care, hair care, mosquito repellent, fodder for animals and many more. 

But what are the ingredients in it that have given Moringa the name of a Miracle Tree?

Ingredients in Moringa Tree

Moringa is loaded with Vitamins, and has a high content of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E in it. Apart from benefiting the whole body, these vitamins are needed for healthy eyes, skin, bones, and hair 

Moringa Tree is the only tree in the world which contains all the essential amino acids needed by humans. And out of a total of 20 amino acids, the moringa tree has 18 amino acids present in it. Because, Moringa is loaded with anti-oxidants, it helps prevent the formation of free radicals which damage cells and cause cancer. So, basically, Moringa is anti- cancer.

Moringa Tree Leaf – Aicha Blogs

Being rich in iron and riboflavin, it is great for anemia. And if you have been a fan of “Popeye the Sailor Man “ then you would know how much iron spinach has but Moringa has beaten spinach in the iron content too, as it contains 7 times more iron than spinach.

Furthermore, Moringa is one of the green leafy vegetables that has a high content of protein in it and is very fulfilling. So, if you are planning to lose some belly fat then munch on these leaves. 

Ok, so we know what qualities Moringa Tree possess, but where is this Miracle tree found and what is the source of it ?

Land of Moringa Oleifera

This beautiful, miracle plant called Moringa oleifera is basically a Sirayiki plant. It is native to the Siraiki belt of Pakistan and Northern India. In the Southern Punjab belt of Pakistan, ( Rahimyar Khan, Multan and Vehari) you will see a lot of Moringa Trees. In the local  Punjabi/Seraiki language, it is called SUHANJNA ( SOO HAAAN JA NA) and in Urdu it goes by the name of SAIJANA ( SAY JA NA) . Moringa, being a generous tree, can thrive in difficult climates, be it hot or dry. As it is drought resistant, it can survive really well in rough conditions and despite the harsh conditions, the leaves are green, the flowers white, and the seeds are full of aromatic oil.

How Moringa was declared a Miracle Tree ?

Moringa Tree – How I eat moringa leaves ?

In 1997 – 1998, Alternate Action for African Development (AGADA) and Church World Service (CWS) , tested Moringa powder on pregnant and nursing mothers in South Western Senegal as they faced severe malnutrition among the kids. Because access to imported medicines was difficult and expensive, CWS trained the local health care workers to make powders of dried Moringa and started distributing among the nursing mothers. They were advised to take these 3 times a day with every meal to increase milk production and treat Anemia.

The magical and economical Moringa powder did wonders as it not only increased the milk production in the mothers but also improved their over-all health and of the babies. Because Moringa is loaded with essential amino acids, iron, and calcium. Within 3 weeks, the babies, who were affected by severe malnutrition and had droopy eyes, became healthy and playful. After these astounding results, World Health Organisation (WHO) labeled Moringa as a “Miracle Tree “ and “Mother’s Best Friend. Since, 1998 efforts are being made to increase awareness about this amazing, amazing plant through out the world.

How Moringa benefits human body

Moringa Tree is a multi purpose plant that fulfills a high percentage of our basic needs. And as you start consuming it, it gets difficult to live without it due to the numerous benefits that Moringa has.  For example, it is known to ;

  • Reduce cholesterol 
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Induce weight loss
  • Control Diabetics 
  • Relives Iron deficiency 
  • Helps against hepatorenal disorders
  • Improves digestion & gastrointestinal infection
  • Protects against cold /infections

Moringa benefits for women ?

Women face a lot of physical and mental challenges in their life which includes monthly hormonal imbalance due to period, child birth, menopause along with stress associated with it. Moringa is one such plant which can single-handedly take care of all of this because it is rich in iron, full of estrogen, and works as an aphrodisiac and pain reliever. In ancient times, moringa was a highly regarded plant to deal with issues like fibroids, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), and menstural cramps. These days we take many harmful, pain relievers to get rid of cramps, when the solution is so simple in the form of Nature’s gift to women – Moringa. Taking it drastically reduces the pain associated with periods and regulates the monthly cycle. However, care should be taken to stop using it 1 week before the start of your period until its end.

Dried Moringa leaves

How to eat Moringa ? 

The best way to eat Moringa is in its pure form that is fresh from the plant. I prefer eating a few Moringa leaves raw. The taste is pungent, a mix between spinach and rocket leaves, and can be acquired after a few days. I consider that eating the leaves raw is the most easiest way without any fuss; quickly chew the leaves and gulp it down with few sips of water. 

However, you can take it in the form of ;

Moringa Tea recipe and benefits

You can also make Moringa tea from it by infusing the leaves in hot water for some time and adding lemon into it. 


Moringa can be added in smoothies or shakes in small amounts. 

Moringa in skincare

Although, I consider the best way to get the maximum benefits of moringa is by eating it orally. But, you can also use it topically. For example, to take care of acne and discoloration face pack is used which contains moringa powder mixed with yogurt and lemon. Apart from giving glowing skin. it reduces inflammation along with rough patches on the skin.

Moringa in Haircare

For thick and healthy hair. Moringa hair oil is used by the local people. Moringa hair oil due to high saturated fats, zinc and vitamins in it promotes growth of hair.

What are the side effects of Moringa ?

Like every other thing, care should be taken to eat Moringa in moderation and with precaution. People, who are already on blood pressure, cholesterol or thyroid medications should not take Moringa without their doctor’s approval as it can interfere and might reduce the level down drastically. Moringa should not be taken during periods and during pregnancy as it can cause uterine contractions. 

If you are starting to take Moringa then it is advisable to take it between meals, for example after breakfast and before lunch, and always start with small quantity and never increase more than 1 cup of fresh leaves of 1 tbs of Moringa powder because it may cause diarrhea and stomach ache.

Aicha’s thoughts on Moringa

Eating Moringa is cheaper than taking any multivitamin tablet as it is organic and now a days widely available. And, nothing can be more organic and pure than planting a Moringa tree in your house. But, if you don’t have access to Moringa oleifera, then get it in the tablet form from any authentic pharmacy. And even if you don’t get your hands on it, then contact me, I will dispatch the organic Moringa to your doorstep 🙂 

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