Harmful whitening creams | Ban Faiza Beauty & other whitening creams

Is whitening cream bad for your skin!

Today’s post is not about the review of any skin care or beauty product but about the harsh reality of the beauty industry that affects people of color, especially from South Asia, Africa, and other countries that have been colonized by White people. So, why people use bleaching creams and whitening creams to lighten their skin artificially and why whitening creams & bleaching creams are so harmful.

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Our Colonial past and its toxic affects: 

Colonisation is when foreign forces attack and occupy the lands they have conquered and make it their own colony. They impose their own culture and values on the land and establish their own rule over the area. And they do it by killing, enslaving, driving away, or by subjugating the local population.

The poor locals, who can not rise up against the powerful invaders begin to accept their fate and after generations try to imitate their rulers and develop a deep sense of inferiority complex. 

You can observe it in colonized countries, where there is a “Brown Sahib” attitude prevalent among the elites, who dislike speaking in Hindi/Urdu and connect English speaking with intelligence and knowledge. They look at contempt towards local, brown skin people like it was done in the past by their English masters, and go to any lengths to attain a fair skin, even to the point of using toxic creams that eventually damage them. These days, you will also observe a lot of girls dislike wearing anything red or in shades of red in the sub-continent, even though it’s traditional. It would have been ok, if it was just a personal preference, but in reality they dislike wearing it because they consider it to be too gaudy.

Seed of inferiority complex sown by Lord Macaualy - Beginning of  whitening creams
Seed of inferiority complex sown by Lord Macaualy Beginning of whitening creams

This sort of decadent mentality spreads down among the masses which forces the locals to hate their own culture, skin and language as the result of the deep rooted trauma that gives birth to evil corporations, who feed off of the inferiority complex at the cost of human life and gives rise to many whitening cream, injections, bleaching creams to attain something which is the biologically/ naturally unattainable.

1 thought on “Is whitening cream bad for your skin!”

  1. I’ve been using this whitening cream for a few weeks now, and I can already see a noticeable difference in my skin tone! It’s become a staple in my skincare routine.

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