Harmful whitening creams | Ban Faiza Beauty & other whitening creams

Is whitening cream bad for your skin!

Difference between whitening and brightening creams

Many people are not aware of the difference between whitening and brightening formulas in creams, and the mafia in beauty industry actually deliberately tries to confuse consumers to further their own agenda. Brightening formula is basically about removing the effects of pollution, unnecessary tan-ness and removing spots (acne/age) and hyperpigmentation. The ingredients are pretty gentle and safe to use. And these are entirely different from whitening/fairness creams. 

Whitening creams and bleach creams use harmful ingredients toxic for human health
Whitening creams and bleach creams use harmful ingredients toxic for human health

Fairness creams, on the other hand, feed off of the inferiority complex and contain harmful ingredients which artificially lighten your skin and destroy the texture of the skin in the process. These are the ones you should be able to spot as soon as you see it. 

Why you should throw away bleach/whitening creams : 

The main ingredients used in the whitening/fairness creams or bleach creams are Mercury and Hydroquinone 2%. Both of these are extremely toxic and banned in many countries across the globe. 

Although, they give desired results as you must have seen, darker girls transform into white girls. But the toxic ingredients damage the quality and texture of their skin and you must have seen the skin of girls using these creams become coarse and thin. Mercury is a known carcinogen and can poison the user. Known dangers of mercury poisoning include, dizziness, tremors, memory problems, depression, and worse —- permanent brain damage. 

Mercury used in whitening creams which is toxic
Mercury used in whitening creams which is toxic

Hydroquinone 2% thins the skin overtime and increases the chance of skin damage by UV rays. People who use it develop more acne, hyper-pigmentation after the honeymoon period is over. Because, it is cytotoxic, which means blocking the pigmentation of the protective melanin in the skin, that is why it is banned in Europe. 

Although hydroquinone is not classified as a carcinogen, long term uses of it can damage kidneys and liver. Disgusting legacies of the colonial past, they still remain disgusting!

list of banned skin whitening creams

Wherever, there is a victim of colonial trauma, there is the opportunity for these evil corporates to stuff their pockets. If any business that is plentiful and bountiful with enormous returns in Pakistan, that is the business of Whitening/ Bleaching Creams. 

Faiza beauty banned ?

The whitening creams industry is a billion dollar industry globally, mind you. And Pakistani and Indian brands take a good chunk in it. Due to the absolute lawlessness in Pakistan, they manufacture creams as per their liking, showing middle finger to the authorities and adding mercury, lead, hydroquinone as much as they want. So to increase the effectiveness of the product. Thus, not caring if it causes cancer or or poses serious health concerns to the user as long as they whiten the user. 

Dubai Municipality took notice of Faiza Beauty cream
Dubai Municipality took notice of Faiza Beauty cream

Many famous Pakistani brands are banned globally for example ;

But despite that they are shipped in containers to African countries, India and illegally exported to the USA, gulf regions and other European countries where there is a brown population. In the race to get white skin, the only winners are corporate devils like these who get richer with every product you purchase. 

1 thought on “Is whitening cream bad for your skin!”

  1. I’ve been using this whitening cream for a few weeks now, and I can already see a noticeable difference in my skin tone! It’s become a staple in my skincare routine.

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