Harmful whitening creams | Ban Faiza Beauty & other whitening creams

Is whitening cream bad for your skin!

Why brown skin is better in hot countries?

Just like the fruit of the seasons, the human race also comes in different hues of black, white, and brown. All suited for their respective climates. The original human being was African and with human migration, different shades and features started changing because of the local condition over thousand of years.

Humans that live in geographical locations near the equator or tropical areas or places with sunny climates have brown and tan shade in their skin better suited to fighting the hot rays of the sun. The darker melanin protects against harsh UV rays which cause ageing, redness, and hyper-pigmentation. You might have observed how people with white skin tend to burn so much in the sun; it is because they lack the melanin in their skin. Similarly, humans in colder regions don’t need much protection due to less sun, so they developed fair skin, which is a biological construct and has nothing to do with beauty. 

Own your brown skin !
Own your brown skin !

Advantages of brown skin ?

For all those ladies and gentlemen, who hate their brown or black skin. They should know that nature has bestowed them with a gift because brown skin tends to age less; we don’t get sun-burnt easily and are naturally protected by harmful UV rays that cause DNA damage and skin cancer ( that doesn’t mean you can skip sunscreen). Acne and other spots don’t look much visible on it and can be easily hidden with simple makeup techniques. And, who can forget about the golden tan-ness that brown beauties have naturally and shine of black skin without spending a single penny. So, start to worship your own skin instead of artificially becoming a different human being or a artificial white vampire.  

In the end, I would like to say that the USA was colonized by British too, and at least Americans learned to get over that and give them a middle finger. Instead, India and Pakistan adopted so much of their culture and kept it going and getting affected by colonial trauma. So, Americans, who are direct descendents of the British can reject them. Why cant we do the same !

1 thought on “Is whitening cream bad for your skin!”

  1. I’ve been using this whitening cream for a few weeks now, and I can already see a noticeable difference in my skin tone! It’s become a staple in my skincare routine.

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